Thursday, June 6, 2013

He bit me!

We decided two days ago to take a trip to Yellowstone next week- I feel like we are in a whirlwind of preparations. We were thinking to do less driving, but as plans go, oh well, but we do have an exciting agenda of things out of norm, new sites to see and hopefully lots of beautiful hikes.
We were out watering the flowers this evening and Avi came behind me and sprayed me in the back. She thought it was pretty funny, I told her she would be in trouble if she did it again, but you know a mischievous toddler, well after several more attempts I decided to get her. She loved it! So I started spraying toes- even Gage thought it was fun to get toes wet and run away. Avi ended up a bit more wet, then decided she wanted the hose again, so she ran after mom and dad, and then ended up spraying her self in a "mist" of giggles. What a funny girl!
Gage is really getting around, he can walk over the hose now- with care, and other little inclines, etc... he still falls a bit- bumping his poor head all the time!!, but beside a constant bruise on his head, he really is doing well.
Why is it when I ask Gunnar to do dishes tonight he ends up with a headache???
Gage bit me tonight when I was nursing him at bedtime. He has gotten more nibbley, lately, but this was a bite- which he has done once before, I told him stop, and gave his bum a tat- last time that worked- but this time he would not let go!! finally I was able to break his latch/bite. and get him off. I put him to bed and let him cry it out. He fussed a bit and sang to himself a little before going to sleep. I think I didn't have a ton of milk and he wanted it to come faster- we just got him a sippy cut that takes biting the top to drink it. I had started him out on the less full side, I had almost switched but I was tired and I thought it wasn't going to be a big deal, but ouch! I have been wanting to wean, being nibbled is not fun. We'll see what happens.
This morning we went on a morning walk. We met sweet elderly man on the block up from ours. Had some beautiful Iris- a gorgeous orange one he said his wife had one first prize with. He also wanted the kids to meet his cute dog. He was retired Navy, so he and Gunnar were able to talk a bit about that. He told us his wife passed this year, and he has had some strokes, and that we were welcome to come pet the dog anytime.
Avi is loving having neighbors- she really loves Talin. She spent half the day at their house more than once, and tries to go back for more. she is a riot. She changes her clothes several times a day. If an item of clothing gets a little water on it, she calls it dirty and has to change.
Today I was making a grocery list, and she wanted to draw, so I let her, she said she was writing her name, then helped her draw a face, then she wanted to draw monsters! The monsters had to have feet, then they had to have shoes and socks, then she wanted to draw Grandma Nelson and Grandma Dorsey. Then dad- he had to have a tie, pants, brown socks, she also wanted to draw her- she wanted a tie too. Then it was my turn- I needed a dress. All girls had to have a flower in their hair and everyone had to have socks and shoes on. I loved all the specific requests!