Thursday, June 6, 2013

He bit me!

We decided two days ago to take a trip to Yellowstone next week- I feel like we are in a whirlwind of preparations. We were thinking to do less driving, but as plans go, oh well, but we do have an exciting agenda of things out of norm, new sites to see and hopefully lots of beautiful hikes.
We were out watering the flowers this evening and Avi came behind me and sprayed me in the back. She thought it was pretty funny, I told her she would be in trouble if she did it again, but you know a mischievous toddler, well after several more attempts I decided to get her. She loved it! So I started spraying toes- even Gage thought it was fun to get toes wet and run away. Avi ended up a bit more wet, then decided she wanted the hose again, so she ran after mom and dad, and then ended up spraying her self in a "mist" of giggles. What a funny girl!
Gage is really getting around, he can walk over the hose now- with care, and other little inclines, etc... he still falls a bit- bumping his poor head all the time!!, but beside a constant bruise on his head, he really is doing well.
Why is it when I ask Gunnar to do dishes tonight he ends up with a headache???
Gage bit me tonight when I was nursing him at bedtime. He has gotten more nibbley, lately, but this was a bite- which he has done once before, I told him stop, and gave his bum a tat- last time that worked- but this time he would not let go!! finally I was able to break his latch/bite. and get him off. I put him to bed and let him cry it out. He fussed a bit and sang to himself a little before going to sleep. I think I didn't have a ton of milk and he wanted it to come faster- we just got him a sippy cut that takes biting the top to drink it. I had started him out on the less full side, I had almost switched but I was tired and I thought it wasn't going to be a big deal, but ouch! I have been wanting to wean, being nibbled is not fun. We'll see what happens.
This morning we went on a morning walk. We met sweet elderly man on the block up from ours. Had some beautiful Iris- a gorgeous orange one he said his wife had one first prize with. He also wanted the kids to meet his cute dog. He was retired Navy, so he and Gunnar were able to talk a bit about that. He told us his wife passed this year, and he has had some strokes, and that we were welcome to come pet the dog anytime.
Avi is loving having neighbors- she really loves Talin. She spent half the day at their house more than once, and tries to go back for more. she is a riot. She changes her clothes several times a day. If an item of clothing gets a little water on it, she calls it dirty and has to change.
Today I was making a grocery list, and she wanted to draw, so I let her, she said she was writing her name, then helped her draw a face, then she wanted to draw monsters! The monsters had to have feet, then they had to have shoes and socks, then she wanted to draw Grandma Nelson and Grandma Dorsey. Then dad- he had to have a tie, pants, brown socks, she also wanted to draw her- she wanted a tie too. Then it was my turn- I needed a dress. All girls had to have a flower in their hair and everyone had to have socks and shoes on. I loved all the specific requests!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Great Kids

Gage has taken his first step! What an exciting night. We had him walk between Gunnar and I- he took up to two consecutive steps- trying to not be smashed by Avi, who also wanted to walk between us. He likes to hold his finger up to his mouth and "shush", he started blowing kisses- something he started on his own today- what a boy! he makes great car noises as he plays, loves to color, play with play dough, and is soo proud of himself when he does something. Thankfully his enthusiasm for climbing up the steps of Avi's bed has died down a little- thankful because he has taken a spill or two while coming down. He puts his hands over his face to play the cutest peek-a-boo you can imagine. his favorite toys right now are probably his stuffed Clifford dog, cars, and the walker- he is really thrilled by his greater ability to move. He has now taken three consecutive steps in a row.
Avi is growing up so quickly. She is a sweetheart, going to comfort Gage or me if there is discomfort- telling us that "It's okay". I borrowed a dog movie from the library for a the kids and a cooking one for me. Last night I asked Avi if she wanted to watch a cooking movie or a (with more excitement) a dog movie. We put on the dog one and shortly both kids lost interest, Avi asked to watch the cooking movie instead. I put it in- and she was riveted.
I was putting her to bed the other night and she brought up how she and Manu and touched the temple (that was last Thanksgiving!) and then went on to talk about how she found Easter eggs with Manu, and then onto about Easter at Grandma's house. I was delighted and surprised with her great memory.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

darling children

Today Gunnar got Gage up from his nap and took him out on the deck to enjoy the beautiful day. Gunnar showed him the dogs at the neighbors' houses and then brought Gage back in and set him down. Gage said- in his baby language- "Dog" and crawled back out. He pulled himself up along the railing and looked out at the dogs- saying "Dog, dog, dog". It was simply adorable!.
I was working on reupholstering our dinning room chairs and trying to keep the kids away from the tools. I told Avi the tools were only for mommy- but she responded, she is mommy (she has her baby dolls and we have been talking about how she is going to grow up to be a mommy). I told her she needed to be grown up. She said, "I already did that, I'm all grown up." Looking down at my sweet 2 1/2 year old- I couldn't help but smile.
Later, I took apart the pipping below the sink to clear out a clog. We thought the clog would be in the S trap, but it was higher so I took basically the whole thing apart, cleaned it out, put it back together, checked for leaks, and to my delight all was in working order. I delightedly said, "I did it!" Avi responded- "I am so proud of you. Good job mommy!" I was astounded!  So sweet and articulate!
Avi however has hated me working on the deck- as Gage has been napping this week I have gone out and sanded the deck so we can stain it. Avi all the while saying, "I need mommy time." or "I want snuggles"- wow, it was hard to choose to work, but it has to be done!!! I hope we can get it done by the weekend. I have sanded everything I can reach,  we need to get a ladder. Today, I was working the chairs and I made Chicken Korma for lunch since Gunnar was going to be working tonight, while Gage napped, so I missed my usual sanding time. I went out with both kids awake- wow, that was a challenge! most the time thankfully Avi played inside, but for a little bit there, Avi was climbing on my back, Gage was pulling my hair, as I tried to sand as 'safely' as possible!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Today I made granola, white chili, and whole wheat bread. I love the golden wheat! I used about 6 c golden wheat flour and 4 c. red wheat flour. It turned out so light and delicious.
Avi was soo cute. Last night we received the Fisher Price nativity from Grandma and Grandpa Nelson. This morning Avi was wondering where her new toys were. She had some animals, Mary and baby Jesus. She was saying "Hi ____. How are you?" Around to each character. Then she had the camel eat everyone...
Gage was very proud of himself. He scooted down a step on the tile area and went over and started pushing open the door to the mud room.
We went to Grandma Dorsey's for Thanksgiving. Avi was grandma's buddy. She loved having grandma read to her, and would be asking "Where Gran-ma Dorsey?" anytime they were separated. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious! But the best part, was Gage. He started dancing in his highchair. He would shake his little shoulders and head. It was soooo cute!! He would even do it when requested to! I love it!
He now will even wave when asked to, though it takes a minutes usually. A few weeks ago Nov. 9th, when he just turned nine months he started clapping by himself. He gets the biggest smile! I love it.
While down in Utah we visited good friends Ci'i and Nicole. It was nice to see them. Avi took awhile to warm up to Manu, their daughter just a few months older than her, but once they got going they were so funny. We went to Temple Square to see the lights and they were the hopping-est, bouncy-est two year olds there. We stopped into the conference center, at one point Avi slipped up into the information desk, folded her arms up on the desk, leaning her head on her arm looked up at the man at the desk and said,"I'm next to a prophet." It was so sweet!
Gage says "mama" and "bye bye". He loves it when I talk to him in his "own language". Nov 12th. he was taking a nap on the bed, when I went to get him when he woke up he was looking up at the camera, he started scooting his way over to the cord so he could pull down the camera, he is so smart!!
He loves apples- happily sucking on slices, breaking them up with his gums- and even offering to share them.
One day I saw I dead box elder bug on the couch, I swiped it off noting I need to vacuum. Later I had both kids in the family room playing and realized I had not vacuumed... we continued to play. I needed to take care of Avi, and had to step out of the room. When I got back, I picked up Gage- he had a sly smile- opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue- to my horror revealing that dead box elder bug!!!! in a flash closes his mouth and swallows!!! to late for me to do anything!! So oh well, I let him wash it down with some breast milk..
Avi is a pro tomato picker. We go out to the green house and she'll say "squishy one" and "that's better"- for the ones she can eat. She likes the "baby" ones best.
She was eating orange slices and got to the white part and spit/or threw it out on the floor. After some white stuff and peel and on the floor I convinced her to put it on the table. After she was done I told her she needed to pick up the stuff off the floor. It was a big job for her to pick it up off the floor and put it on the table, so I offered to put in on the table if she would pick off the floor. She picked up pieces, handed them to me saying, "Happy Birthday!". I loved it!!
She know more songs, and more words to songs- one of her favorites is "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" and "I love to See the Temple", and of course "ABC". She knows Gage Gunnar Nelson, and is now responding her name is Avi Nelson- sometimes Avi Gunnar Nelson...easier than Elizabeth. She was drawing on a note card and she said "dolpin" (dolphin)- it really looked like a whale! (dolphin is her word for whale) I was very impressed.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

stake conference

We had the evening session for Stake conference tonight. We didn't think about a babysitter, doubt we could have gotten one anyway. So Gunnar and I with the kids spent the session in the Relief Society room listening, as much as we could over the squeals of the kids. It was a wonderful conference. We heard talks about how much the Lord loves us and the power of the atonement, that we don't need to loose hope for ourselves and we can have joy. Also there was a talk on speaking kindly. Boy, oh boy do I need that one when I am in a bad mood. I also need to work at only speaking kindly of my sweetheart.
Avi is getting better at running. It is so fun to see her run- she has such an interesting way of lifting up her feet. She says "I did it!" to announce her success in accomplishing a task- putting on clothes or putting a puzzle piece in. She loves puzzles. She is learning to do them. She has gotten pretty good at the ABC and 123 puzzles, now we have started on a regular picture puzzle. I taught her backward somersaults, but she hasn't gotten into them, and can't do them herself yet.
Gage is pushing up on his knees when he scoots, he just needs to get his arms underneath him. Today he was loving the apple slices we gave him. He shared one with Gunnar- what a sweet boy.
I have almost finished fixing up the couches we bought. I made a cushion cover for one spot, sewn in bottom for beneath the cushion, sewed over the holes on the sides of the middle sectional, hammered together and got Grandpa to help reinforce part of the frame, now I am waiting for Gunnar to strengthen the springs so I can staple it all back together again. Today I worked on the letters for Avi's name that will go in her room. I am rather excited to see how the turn out. I really like what has been done so far.
Yesterday I went out to help on the roof again, and ended up in the not so fun job of picking up the mess from taking the old roof down- I liked putting flashing on, paper, and shingling better- even if I hammered my thumb repeatedly... But Gunnar came out with kids and help. Gage snacked on animal crackers and grass, and Gunnar kept Avi busy with finding and holding worms that were under the old shingles.
Today Avi had brownie- I think this was her first time... she liked them a lot- oh man, she also kept asking for candy... we have a sugar-holic on our hands. Thankfully I could distract her with a pomegranate. Anyway she wanted more brownie, and she asked for more muffin- because the grandparents buy chocolate muffins that she has a way of getting.... so that is what she knows of being chocolate like that...
I read today was national pupusas day- so we had them for dinner- yum! I put more cheese in this time. What a fun meal.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Well, once again I am a little bit lost because I don't know what to write... This week is not my best for recipes turning out my bread and my brownies didn't turn out as well. I have been trying a new bread recipe every week, and I'm throwing in brownies where I can :). But the pumpkin muffins were amazing!! And we sneaked out some decent dinners.
Wednesday was Halloween. Avi had fun saying "Appy Alloweeeeen". She was a princess. I made her crown from a cereal box covered with foil. Gage was a bear. I believe they were adorable. We went to the trunk or treat. Avi seemed a little overwhelmed by everything. She didn't get out many "trick-or-treats" or thank you's, but she did learn to like to pick her candy. She was so cute as she tried to hold onto all of her candy. Every once in a while we would need to stop and have her put it in her bag. Gage happily watched as he pulled off his bear hat. We went to a few houses, to see some neighbors and friends. At home Avi and Gunnar watched Garfield's Halloween- oh the many childhood memories!! Gage got a piece of non-frosted sugar cookie- he went wild for it. (but he goes wild for most food- he pumps his arms and legs up and down and gets a big grin!)
Avi got to eat somewhere around five pieces of candy- she was going crazy! She didn't have any yesterday, but today, she got a piece or two- before dinner she found the bag that had Gunnar's lunch- She found and excitedly exclaimed, "Candy in there! Candy in there!"

Monday, October 22, 2012

I love singing time

Gage is scooting now!! He is a sweet happy baby that loves to be played with. He is eating baby food well.
Avi, Avi, Avi what a wild girl! She loves to play outside, go for walks, feed the horses and the kitties! Scoot around on her tricycle and the little tractor. She loves to sing songs. She will play the piano and sing- for "singing time" as she puts it. She was hitting and kicking Gage, but now- hopefully it lasts, we are only dealing with pushing and trying to pick him up by his neck. Today she played so well with him!! She played peek-a-boo and she loves to play with him when he is in his highchair.
I have made 52 quarts of grape juice and 33 quarts of salsa so far- with the teaching and help of Gunnar's parents. My first year canning. I also made some strawberry rhubarb jam.
Put a bid on the house again... we shall see.
I am in love with Larabars- homemade yum!
I made up a recipe
Apple Pie
1/3 c dates
1/3 c almond
2/3 c apple slices
2 tsp cinnamon
3-4 tsp water
1 tsp vanilla
food processed into goodness.
I made spinach noodles from Our Best Bites the flavor was good, but I put whole wheat flour in so it didn't roll as thin as it should. I also made cauliflower cheese sticks and homemade alfredo sauce and chicken... It was way too much for me in one night!!
Tonight I did much better- yesterday I cut the squash for today's dinner, I made buttermilk summer squash soup- a hit. I made some whole wheat bread- it stole the show for the dinner. I made croutons with it- and yum yum yum!
Avi counts "1- 3!" she knows "seben". She is so cute "ABCDE.... baby garble...P...ABCD..." is her favorite song to sing. She makes up songs all the time. Today I listened her over the baby monitor sing about mommy and daddy and poopies- I was glad I was listening so I could go change her.
I got a step stool for her- she said, "I want to potty train!" I told her it was a step. She took it to her room and used it to climb up and down off her bed multiple times- she was loving it!!
Today she was asking for Pooh- I brought out the stuffed Pooh- and Avi asked for the "Pooh Book" so I read her part of a story- she doesn't have attention span for a 40 page story.
We cleaned carpets last night- I love to have clean carpets!! Oh ya!! I cleaned the couches we bought and got a better idea what is ahead- I found out the fabric had come apart beneath one cushion. I am hoping to only have to hand sew up half on the sides and be able to staple beneath. I will make up a bottom to cover a cushion, maybe replace a spring, and mend a board- well, what can we expect of $40 couches...