Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Today I made granola, white chili, and whole wheat bread. I love the golden wheat! I used about 6 c golden wheat flour and 4 c. red wheat flour. It turned out so light and delicious.
Avi was soo cute. Last night we received the Fisher Price nativity from Grandma and Grandpa Nelson. This morning Avi was wondering where her new toys were. She had some animals, Mary and baby Jesus. She was saying "Hi ____. How are you?" Around to each character. Then she had the camel eat everyone...
Gage was very proud of himself. He scooted down a step on the tile area and went over and started pushing open the door to the mud room.
We went to Grandma Dorsey's for Thanksgiving. Avi was grandma's buddy. She loved having grandma read to her, and would be asking "Where Gran-ma Dorsey?" anytime they were separated. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious! But the best part, was Gage. He started dancing in his highchair. He would shake his little shoulders and head. It was soooo cute!! He would even do it when requested to! I love it!
He now will even wave when asked to, though it takes a minutes usually. A few weeks ago Nov. 9th, when he just turned nine months he started clapping by himself. He gets the biggest smile! I love it.
While down in Utah we visited good friends Ci'i and Nicole. It was nice to see them. Avi took awhile to warm up to Manu, their daughter just a few months older than her, but once they got going they were so funny. We went to Temple Square to see the lights and they were the hopping-est, bouncy-est two year olds there. We stopped into the conference center, at one point Avi slipped up into the information desk, folded her arms up on the desk, leaning her head on her arm looked up at the man at the desk and said,"I'm next to a prophet." It was so sweet!
Gage says "mama" and "bye bye". He loves it when I talk to him in his "own language". Nov 12th. he was taking a nap on the bed, when I went to get him when he woke up he was looking up at the camera, he started scooting his way over to the cord so he could pull down the camera, he is so smart!!
He loves apples- happily sucking on slices, breaking them up with his gums- and even offering to share them.
One day I saw I dead box elder bug on the couch, I swiped it off noting I need to vacuum. Later I had both kids in the family room playing and realized I had not vacuumed... we continued to play. I needed to take care of Avi, and had to step out of the room. When I got back, I picked up Gage- he had a sly smile- opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue- to my horror revealing that dead box elder bug!!!! in a flash closes his mouth and swallows!!! to late for me to do anything!! So oh well, I let him wash it down with some breast milk..
Avi is a pro tomato picker. We go out to the green house and she'll say "squishy one" and "that's better"- for the ones she can eat. She likes the "baby" ones best.
She was eating orange slices and got to the white part and spit/or threw it out on the floor. After some white stuff and peel and on the floor I convinced her to put it on the table. After she was done I told her she needed to pick up the stuff off the floor. It was a big job for her to pick it up off the floor and put it on the table, so I offered to put in on the table if she would pick off the floor. She picked up pieces, handed them to me saying, "Happy Birthday!". I loved it!!
She know more songs, and more words to songs- one of her favorites is "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" and "I love to See the Temple", and of course "ABC". She knows Gage Gunnar Nelson, and is now responding her name is Avi Nelson- sometimes Avi Gunnar Nelson...easier than Elizabeth. She was drawing on a note card and she said "dolpin" (dolphin)- it really looked like a whale! (dolphin is her word for whale) I was very impressed.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

stake conference

We had the evening session for Stake conference tonight. We didn't think about a babysitter, doubt we could have gotten one anyway. So Gunnar and I with the kids spent the session in the Relief Society room listening, as much as we could over the squeals of the kids. It was a wonderful conference. We heard talks about how much the Lord loves us and the power of the atonement, that we don't need to loose hope for ourselves and we can have joy. Also there was a talk on speaking kindly. Boy, oh boy do I need that one when I am in a bad mood. I also need to work at only speaking kindly of my sweetheart.
Avi is getting better at running. It is so fun to see her run- she has such an interesting way of lifting up her feet. She says "I did it!" to announce her success in accomplishing a task- putting on clothes or putting a puzzle piece in. She loves puzzles. She is learning to do them. She has gotten pretty good at the ABC and 123 puzzles, now we have started on a regular picture puzzle. I taught her backward somersaults, but she hasn't gotten into them, and can't do them herself yet.
Gage is pushing up on his knees when he scoots, he just needs to get his arms underneath him. Today he was loving the apple slices we gave him. He shared one with Gunnar- what a sweet boy.
I have almost finished fixing up the couches we bought. I made a cushion cover for one spot, sewn in bottom for beneath the cushion, sewed over the holes on the sides of the middle sectional, hammered together and got Grandpa to help reinforce part of the frame, now I am waiting for Gunnar to strengthen the springs so I can staple it all back together again. Today I worked on the letters for Avi's name that will go in her room. I am rather excited to see how the turn out. I really like what has been done so far.
Yesterday I went out to help on the roof again, and ended up in the not so fun job of picking up the mess from taking the old roof down- I liked putting flashing on, paper, and shingling better- even if I hammered my thumb repeatedly... But Gunnar came out with kids and help. Gage snacked on animal crackers and grass, and Gunnar kept Avi busy with finding and holding worms that were under the old shingles.
Today Avi had brownie- I think this was her first time... she liked them a lot- oh man, she also kept asking for candy... we have a sugar-holic on our hands. Thankfully I could distract her with a pomegranate. Anyway she wanted more brownie, and she asked for more muffin- because the grandparents buy chocolate muffins that she has a way of getting.... so that is what she knows of being chocolate like that...
I read today was national pupusas day- so we had them for dinner- yum! I put more cheese in this time. What a fun meal.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Well, once again I am a little bit lost because I don't know what to write... This week is not my best for recipes turning out my bread and my brownies didn't turn out as well. I have been trying a new bread recipe every week, and I'm throwing in brownies where I can :). But the pumpkin muffins were amazing!! And we sneaked out some decent dinners.
Wednesday was Halloween. Avi had fun saying "Appy Alloweeeeen". She was a princess. I made her crown from a cereal box covered with foil. Gage was a bear. I believe they were adorable. We went to the trunk or treat. Avi seemed a little overwhelmed by everything. She didn't get out many "trick-or-treats" or thank you's, but she did learn to like to pick her candy. She was so cute as she tried to hold onto all of her candy. Every once in a while we would need to stop and have her put it in her bag. Gage happily watched as he pulled off his bear hat. We went to a few houses, to see some neighbors and friends. At home Avi and Gunnar watched Garfield's Halloween- oh the many childhood memories!! Gage got a piece of non-frosted sugar cookie- he went wild for it. (but he goes wild for most food- he pumps his arms and legs up and down and gets a big grin!)
Avi got to eat somewhere around five pieces of candy- she was going crazy! She didn't have any yesterday, but today, she got a piece or two- before dinner she found the bag that had Gunnar's lunch- She found and excitedly exclaimed, "Candy in there! Candy in there!"

Monday, October 22, 2012

I love singing time

Gage is scooting now!! He is a sweet happy baby that loves to be played with. He is eating baby food well.
Avi, Avi, Avi what a wild girl! She loves to play outside, go for walks, feed the horses and the kitties! Scoot around on her tricycle and the little tractor. She loves to sing songs. She will play the piano and sing- for "singing time" as she puts it. She was hitting and kicking Gage, but now- hopefully it lasts, we are only dealing with pushing and trying to pick him up by his neck. Today she played so well with him!! She played peek-a-boo and she loves to play with him when he is in his highchair.
I have made 52 quarts of grape juice and 33 quarts of salsa so far- with the teaching and help of Gunnar's parents. My first year canning. I also made some strawberry rhubarb jam.
Put a bid on the house again... we shall see.
I am in love with Larabars- homemade yum!
I made up a recipe
Apple Pie
1/3 c dates
1/3 c almond
2/3 c apple slices
2 tsp cinnamon
3-4 tsp water
1 tsp vanilla
food processed into goodness.
I made spinach noodles from Our Best Bites the flavor was good, but I put whole wheat flour in so it didn't roll as thin as it should. I also made cauliflower cheese sticks and homemade alfredo sauce and chicken... It was way too much for me in one night!!
Tonight I did much better- yesterday I cut the squash for today's dinner, I made buttermilk summer squash soup- a hit. I made some whole wheat bread- it stole the show for the dinner. I made croutons with it- and yum yum yum!
Avi counts "1- 3!" she knows "seben". She is so cute "ABCDE.... baby garble...P...ABCD..." is her favorite song to sing. She makes up songs all the time. Today I listened her over the baby monitor sing about mommy and daddy and poopies- I was glad I was listening so I could go change her.
I got a step stool for her- she said, "I want to potty train!" I told her it was a step. She took it to her room and used it to climb up and down off her bed multiple times- she was loving it!!
Today she was asking for Pooh- I brought out the stuffed Pooh- and Avi asked for the "Pooh Book" so I read her part of a story- she doesn't have attention span for a 40 page story.
We cleaned carpets last night- I love to have clean carpets!! Oh ya!! I cleaned the couches we bought and got a better idea what is ahead- I found out the fabric had come apart beneath one cushion. I am hoping to only have to hand sew up half on the sides and be able to staple beneath. I will make up a bottom to cover a cushion, maybe replace a spring, and mend a board- well, what can we expect of $40 couches...

Rainy day and Monday..

Between rain storms we snuck outside to get more tomatoes from the green house and let Avi wander. Avi enjoyed fresh tomatoes from the plants. After Gage woke up from his nap I brought him out and fed him in the atrium area- it was nice to sit with dahlias and snapdragons in October. Avi had fun climbing in and out of the chair next to us as Gage ate.
Gage is army crawling- he advanced quickly to a very proficient scoot. I am thoroughly impressed! It is so fun to watch him move around the floor. He is thoughtful and very directed in what he does.
Goodness I can't remember what I last wrote... did I mention that we are trying for the house again? same price- here we go again.
Avi was so cute playing with the Fisher Price animals today- I heard her say, "hello cow....." when I came over all the animals were in a circle facing each other, and later she was "sharing" her apple slices with a giraffe and a zebra. She loves to put on a bag and a hat and say "I'm ready to go!". The other day she got out a rag and told me, "I'm cleaning the floor" she was scrubbing away- I think it was great when scrubbed it with her foot, like her lazy mom does sometimes... Avi loves to wash her hands!! She has a little step stool that she can pull herself up enough to reach the faucet to turn on the water- and her favorite is the bar soap that she calls "baby soap"... I don't know why. She loves string cheese- if you open the fridge you are bound to hear a chorus of "string cheese, string cheese!" She is just such a cutie pie!! Yesterday I curled her hair for the first time. I didn't have any product and the bottom came out quickly, but oh well! she was still so cute.
Right now her favorite cousin is Lilli. She is getting to notice Darin a little more, though playing with him usually quickly results in tears.
Sweet and Sour chicken tonight from Mel's Kitchen Cafe site- it is the best recipe I found for sweet and sour so far- but it was a little strong on the vinegar- I'll have to try reducing it... I made black bean and corn salsa today as well- thus the trip to get the tomatoes from the green house.
We watched the final presidential debate tonight. I plan to vote for Romney. I don't love everything he is planning to do (like cutting education), but for the most part I think he will really do a fabulous job- if he can really do what he is planning to do. I love that he is willing to go through and do cuts- to really work to balance the budget. I believe it is critical for the future of our country. I also think his vice president did really well in his debate. I am pleased to vote for them after watching the debates.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

what a day

Oh what a day. I woke up still feeling ill- I've had horrible sinus issues starting on Sunday and gradually am getting better. I signed paperwork for the bank going on the crazy hope of a miracle that things will work out for the house. We have less than a week to go, and they are not willing to give another extension... I really wish Gunnar could just get hired on beyond his temp work. To add to the fun, I have not been able to find my driver's license, and it is required for the paper work, so as I had crying, grabbing babies this morning, I was trying to figure out what I needed to do to get one.
On a good note I was able to sort through the kids' clothes and pick out the things they had out grown- wow did it reduce Gage's tops drawer!! I just got him two new long sleeved onesies, I am wondering if I needed to get more.
I did some cleaning and laundry, got the kids down for naps, and made a sock puppet while I talked to Jennica. Avi woke up from her nap a bit grumpy- she didn't like the sock puppet :(... but then we played outside, fed a horse, and went on the swings- and she liked the sock puppet out there... We came inside when Gage woke up, made a delicious
berry spinach smoothie
1/3 c* plain greek yogurt
1/3 c frozen berries
1/3-1/2 banana
1/3 c milk
1/3-2/3 c spinach
*generous 1/3 cups...
It was fabulous! I wish we had made more! Avi loved it and got her vegetable in for the day. Gage had corn baby food, not his favorite. We played outside some more- Avi climbed the willow tree (easy climb). There was some cat poo on the front porch (do you see why I don't want pets...) so I pointed it out to Avi and told her not to step on it. After she had climbed in the willow tree (there it a wide area to walk around in the tree) she said "Mama, I step on the poo." bewildered and a bit worried I looked in the tree- it was a bunch of mushrooms! I thought she was rather cute.
Now onto some disaster... while the kids napped, I got a call from an insurance guy- we are looking for insurance right now (again I would love for Gunnar to get hired!). I talked with him for a long time. Avi had woken up and we were about to get off the phone, when I was going into the garage to look for more bread, when I saw a snake in the garage!!! I have a huge phobia for snakes. I flipped, and embarrassingly got off the phone. I was really upset, so I tried calling Gunnar- no answer. I needed to ask a question about dinner, and still upset I called Gunnar's mom. So I could talk to someone. I told her about the snake, she laughed- I guess I deserved it.  Avi said "mama go doctor."- she could tell I was really upset... thankfully she was fine. Unfortunately when we went to get some cat food, I hadn't closed the garage door- so I saw it again, it had not moved because it was dead-partially eaten by the cats. So I was very traumatized...
then to add to the trauma...
I was hacking through summer squash (it is crazy hard to cut up- and peel) to make some soup- I had started later than planned, because Gage had needed to be fed. So was I was really wanting to get dinner done, and Gage was fussing in the family room. Avi was wanting to be held, so I sent her in to entertain Gage. That worked well for a bit, then he started crying again. After a few minutes, I call to Gage to ask him what is wrong. Avi responds, "Gage's eye". Nervously I went in to investigate. Avi was standing with a little metal hook that had a screw one side. She said "Gage's eye". Went to Gage- he had little scratches around his eye and a red eyelid- no blood, just inflamed. I checked his eye- thankfully no cuts and he calmed quickly when I picked him up. OH BOY was I upset!! I was soooo frightened! Once I knew Gage was okay- Avi to spanked, and time out, then I not so lovingly told her never to do that again... I was soooo upset. I called Gunnar and ranted at him that we are in an unsafe house, and then Erin happened to call, so I got to talk to her too- it was good to get it out.
In the meanwhile, I realized I forgot an ingredient in the cookies and I was making and my summer squash soup with a basil pesto turned into a basil summer squash pesto- I mixed it all together!! Avi did not like dinner, so she had to wait for me to make spaghetti. Dinner was way late. but it did turn out to be a pretty good sauce for the noodles (thought Avi just had cheese on hers). I wouldn't mind making the "sauce" again, and I do want to try the soup- I think it would be great.
It was Gunnar's lab night, so he comes home early- ten pm- but he wasn't home till 10:30 last night. It was nice to spend some time with him, even if it meant going to bed late.
We found out HUD is not willing to work with us... oh well.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Avi makes messes and Gage has a rash

Why is it that my mind goes blank when I come to write? \
Fall is here. This evening we were out in the chill harvasting from Grandpa's garden before it freezes. I held Gage most the time, but after a while I grabbed a blanket and laid him down. He and Avi played peek-a-boo, but after sometime he just got too cold so we went in. I found out that Avi's hat was off and a shoe was missing. She wanted to go back out, but with her track record of not being bundled enough- she and Gage stayed inside with Uncle Anders while I helped finish up havesting. It felt so nice to be outside being productive.
Avi is going through a phase that she thinks she should live on pancakes and/or muffins (mup-pins, as she says it). She also loves to put half her yogurt on the table and "paint" with it. Today she made a 'boy' and put blueberry on for a nose. So adorable! but very messy. She does love to wash her hands, aka play with the water and the soap. The other day I filled bowls with soapy water and let her play on the floor in the kitchen/dinning room where I wanted to mop. I think it was a hit for both of us.
Tonight she spilled her milk on the floor- looked down and said, "snowman". What a great imagination.
She and Gage have a daily giggle session. Avi usually dances/ peek-a-boos/ sings around him when he is in his highchair.
Gage has a rash. We have been trying to figure out what it is- so we took him in. It is Roseolla (spell?) a virus. So I am just suppose to moniter and lotion him up. He has had a cold for over a month so the doctor thinks he might have a sinus infection. We are going to wait another week and try treating then. He is one week away from being 8 months and is 21 pounds!! two and half away from his sister's weight.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gage o' boy

Gage and Avi are beginning to really have fun with each other. They love to giggle with each, "walk" (I hold Gage) and hold hands, play peek-a-boo, and hopefully survive Avi climbing on top of him while giving zerburts, kisses, and poor boy gets an occasional bite.
Gage's ear is healing well. The sutures have dissolved, though there is still some redness. He is getting better and better at sitting up by himself. The other day he figured out the elephant ball popping toy. He continues to cause havack with his great eye hand coordination- by grabbing things. He is surely a boy- he loves to watch shows, even turning around if you carry him away. Right now he is either suffering from a cold, allergies, or irritation to all the smoke in the air. I kept him inside today, just in case.

Gage's 6 month

The other day Avi was drawing a picture for Grandma Dorsey, since her cat Alice died. Avi did some scribbles, then wanted me to help her draw. She wanted to write "grandma" and "Avi", then we drew some butterflies, and a flower. Next, we drew Avi, then Lilly (she had alot of hair), then she asked to draw Jesus. I was shocked. We drew a man with a beard, then she asked to draw grandma but half way through she wanted to draw Jesus again.
She loves the picture of Jesus in her room. At night she likes to be sung the "Jesus song"- we usually sing "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus". Yesterday afternoon she said "Jesus 'lobes' Gage"... It melted my heart.
Today we went to the doctor to get caught up on Gage's immunizations. I really liked the office, and the staff was kind. The doctor was commenting that he was amazed that Gage is only in the 78% for weight- he said he looked like he should be in the 90%. I loved it because I feel the same. Gunnar is guessing if he was compared with accounting for the his prematurity- he would be up there...
We went to lunch with Gunnar, and then to the park. I was glad Avi got to play with children there. It is good for to play with someone beside her cousins. I am excited to move to Pocatello and hopefully have some children around her age to play with.
After we went to my doctor's appointment. I wasn't very impressed with the office. It turned out to be on campus- where the students are taught. So I talked with a student and then she conferred with a doctor. TMI- I needed a pelvic exam- I felt like I was on a movie as she couldn't figure out the table, then


We went to Logan to go to a dermatologist appointment for Gunnar- the nearest that takes our insurance. We stopped by the Pepperidge Farm outlet store and bought cookies. We let Avi have a few little pieces. Gunnar had just given her a piece when she asked for more. When asked where her last piece had gone to, she responded "Gage". So I don't need to worry about grandparent giving my baby sugar- it's his sister that I need to worry about!!
We played at a fun park while we waited for Gunnar at his appointment.
We have been enjoying the garden- we have had fresh corn on the cob, stuffed green peppers, stuffed zucchini, fresh salsa, and jam.

Corn on the Cob

I have concluded, if Hansel and Gretel had brought Gage along, they would not have been lost. He spits up soo much! I can't believe he is such a big boy with him spitting up all the time!
Avi told me, "I want to potty train", and put on a pair of underwear. We tried sitting on the toilet several times, but when it came time for her to actually go, it was in her pants... we tried two days, but I don't think we are ready- when she, and Gage are a bit older, and hopefully I have more patients.
Gage ate corn on the cob! I gave Avi a piece for lunch, and she only took a few bites, so I let Gage suck on it. To my surprise, his little gummy strong jaw chomped down and he got corn! He was loving it!! Avi would take bites from the opposite side, they thought it was so fun.
They also love to hold hands, play "growly bear", play ball- Avi grabs and runs while I hold Gage and swing him kicking the ball. They also like to ride Mommy and Daddy "car", sitting on our stomach- or any other fun mom or dad "jungle gym" play. They both LOVED to be tickled.
I have been enjoying the produce from the garden- I made zucchini lasagna, squash and chicken enchiladas, squash fajitas, squash casserole, corn on the cob, black berry pancakes, stuffed zucchini, great plums, and Avi loves the "baby matoes".  
We went to Logan again for a follow up appointment for Gunnar. We had a long wait, thankfully they had an interesting waiting room. We stopped by the Pepperidge Farm outlet- I love their "melt" cookies...I ate almost a whole package in two days!! Yes, I had a little tummy ache (they were not the only cookies I ate).
Avi loves her Duplos. When she plays downstairs, they are her toy of choice. It is so fun to see her put them together in new creations. She only has one princess set. I am excited for Christmas to give her more sets... Gunnar pulled out a Lego set and put it together, that is upstairs, I came up looking for her and called to her. She responded, "I playing Legos"- it was sooo cute. She had his set out, so I had the opportunity of putting it back together, a few days in a row.
Lilly was over. They had so much fun together!! I love to see Avi laugh so much. They got soaked twice with hose, had more fun on the swings than I knew possible, colored, made messes, danced... Last night we played "Duck Duck Goose"Avi just does not get the rules. It was a riot!
I am proud of Gunnar working so hard. He is doing pretty well in his classes, hoping to improve as he is getting the feel for them. I miss him, but am thankful for what he is doing.
I was able to go to the General Relief Society conference tonight. It was so enriching. There was a great focus on the atonement of the Savior. I am so grateful for the great sacrifice of our Redeemer. I am in such need of His help. I have felt humbled as I am so faulted. The Lord is so good, kind, and patient. I was really struck by one sister's story of finding herself not physically prepared to help others, and she hoped never to be found spiritually unable to help others.
I feel I have so much to put in order, to strengthen so I can really get out and serve.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Gunnar's away today

I remember thinking- "I need to blog this", but I can't remember what it was. It is now eight-thirty. The kids are in bed, well, maybe Avi is playing with toys in her room...., I've had two pieces of what turned out to be cheesecake brownies- it was suppose to be cheesecake with a brownie crust, but sometimes things don't turn out as well. But still totally worth eating. I have been trying to cut back on sugar, so today is my major splurge.
I am justifying it because Gunnar is gone. I told him after he got back from deployment he was never allowed to leave without me again. That was short lived! He is off on a choir retreat. I think it is ridiculous- he started class on Wednesday, the retreat was two days later and required. Honestly- people have lives!! I see how it can be a great fun thing for singles to get together and "bond', but really taking from family time for two days I think is a joke. My kids have been without their father about half their lives, and he is missing having time with them to go sing "kum-by-ah" and play "Do you know your neighbor". It really gets me because Gunnar was blessed with getting a job on Wednesday that is going to be 4 pm-12 am Tuesday-Friday, and he has a late lab on Monday, so while he is going to get home way after the kids are in bed and leaving probably before they wake up.

I e-mailed his professor to see if it was really required for him to go on this camp trip,and he said it was, but Gunnar could opt to take choir next semester because they don't have a retreat. I asked Gunnar to drop it this semester considering the work load he just acquired, and he responded that I had supported him in choosing to take choir, and that I shouldn't go back on supporting him- I told him the situation had changed- he did not have that job before. I am feeling frustrated. I know he is grown man and is responsible for himself- he can get all his work done if he really buckles down. I just as a mother that leaves her children as little as possible cannot understand him running off all the time. I know that this camping trip was just one more night, but is was more than I wanted.

The the kids both have colds. Gage's ear seems sore, but looks like it is healing well. He really is such a sweet heart. He gets up for a while and then sleeps for the rest of the morning the last two days, is up and happy for the rest of the day- while he and Avi go through many tissues. With Avi you would never guess there was anything wrong, except the huge gloppy trail of mucus between her nose and mouth. She is running all around.
Today while we were all outside we played with bubbles- Gage loves to watch them, Avi likes to catch them and try to use the wand- she is not the most effective bubble maker. We also played some soccer with a beach ball. I held Gage under his armpits and swung him like a foosball character and Avi ran and would kick and catch the ball. It really was so fun.
I made rhubarb strawberry jam this morning. It was the cheater jello kind- but Avi loved it, and I thought it was pretty tasty.
Avi calls tomatoes "matoes".

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gage's surgery

yesterday morning Gage had surgery for the removal of his skin tags.
Gunnar was simply amazing the night before- Gage was not suppose to eat seven hours before his surgery, so when he woke up around three a.m. wanting to be fed Gunnar got up and walked him for over an hour. We got up, got to the hospital around 5:30. On the way I thought about my mom when I went in for surgery when I was in second grade, my poor mother! I jokingly asked the check in lady if they could put me out too... I knew that things were going to be okay, but as a mother of a sweet six month old baby, how could I not feel anxious?
Gage got several comments on how cute and chubby his is. He loved the operation teddy bear they gave him, but unfortunately the fluff started coming off- so I think he may have digested some of it. Gage is so chubby and busy they had a little bit of difficulty getting his blood pressure with the baby cuff, but the next size up was too big. When it was time for him to go into to surgery. The nurse wrapped a blanket around him and carried him down the hallway. He was watching me over her shoulder. Those big wonderful brown eyes locked on me as they went further and further down the hallway... It made me a bit emotional...
I sent Gunnar to his class, and read "LDS Living" while I waited. They had said to expect it to be an hour to an hour and half. Happily about forty minutes later the nurse came to get me. I texted Gunnar to let him know he was out.
They took me back to a room. The doctor came to see me to tell me how it went and to show me pictures. He told me I could relax now because it was over, but I felt I would not be able to relax till I had Gage back in my arms.
A nurse came in and asked if I needed a bottle warmed, I told him there was no need. The few minutes waiting for Gage seemed longer than it should have. Finally a nurse came carrying him in. He was still out. He woke up as they put him in my arms. He was uncomfortable. I was able to nurse him and he calmed down. Gunnar came in- it turned out he only was able to be in class for about 20 minutes. I apologized for telling him to come, because we needed to wait about another half hour for observation.
Gage slept in my arms, till they let us go. We went to Wal-Mart to pick up his pain killer, it took them a while to get the prescription so we looked around, got some breakfast, while Gage slept in his car seat.
When we got home Avi was happily playing with Grandma Nelson. That afternoon, Gage only needed some pain med once, I gave him a half dose. He wanted to nurse more and didn't nap was well, but he really was so good.
When Avi saw his stitches, she said, "Gage dirty." I told her that it was an "owie". Through the rest of the day she would periodically point to his ear and say "Gage owie".
I gave Gage Tylenol before bed, and that his been it for meds. Today his did so well. There were times when he seemed a little uncomfortable, but he was easily comforted, and again he wanted to nurse more often. He is one tough little guy!!
He loves bread. We have been giving him little bites- and now he feeds himself. Today I gave him cheerios- and he could pick them up and eat them. He is amazing.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday and little this and that

Sunday, Sunday. Everyone should have an opportunity to see Avi's excitement to put on her Sunday dress- I also let her wear her favorite one today- so that made it extra cute. She loves to wear pretty dresses.
This morning painted her nails pink with sparkles on top and went out on the swings together for a little bit. Avi is having a hard time with nursery so Gunnar and I took turns being with her. Gunnar reported she needs to play with children her own age more often- she usually plays with older cousins- she is too rough for her own age.
Gage received several compliments of how cute he was today at church. I bought him a little suit, and I think really is so handsome :). This suit is an 18 month suit! I looked for a 12 month one, but the store did not have one, but I ended up being thankful, because we can barely button the top button and the sleeves! What a big boy!
Yesterday Gage was sleeping on the bed- I had put what Gunnar called a "pillow fortress" around him to keep him from rolling off. Gunn and I were upstairs when we heard him stirring on the monitor. We turned on the video monitor and Gunn informed me that Gage had just moved a pillow. I ran down stairs- I reached the door in time to see Gage rolling off the bed. I dived for him. I half caught him and the pillow broke the rest of the fall. He cried out of being startled, but thankfully he was okay.
I am so impressed with Gunnar for one of his assignments he has to write up an experiment with the scientific method- so his is about Avi's loose stools- now this is REAL science!

Our real estate agent called the other day and said things were going smoothly- we may be able to close before our "date" of Sept 26. We are very excited! So since I have not written about house hunting.... We knew we were going up Pocatello for a year. We looked into rentals and then started thinking about buying. We felt impressed that this was the time to invest. We took two trips out to look at homes-Fourth of July and then about a week later to home up for a little family reunion (by the time we were done the kids were going crazy with being in the truck soo much- it is at least an 8 hour car trip each way, plus kid time, plus house hunting, plus reunion took us to Yellow Stone, and then we went to Disneyland, and then we moved..... lots and lots of driving this summer!!) Anyway, we looked at many homes on-line, weeded through met with our agent several times, put offers on two different homes- without success.
When we were back in Fallon Gunnar was looking on-line and saw a price drop- a town house built in 2007, 2322 sq ft (upstairs finished, basement unfinished), 2 bed, 2 bath.... In the very beginning I had said I thought it would be a good idea- but at the time it $15,000 more... well drop that much, and we were interested. We prayed about it to see if we should put an offer, we both felt it would be okay, but uneasy. We felt we should wait. Well, the next day it dropped another $10,000. We put in a bid close to the asking price, we didn't want to loose this one, and we got it. We are now waiting to close... exciting! We are excited to move in.

The other night when we were putting Avi to bed, Gunnar hid behind the door. Avi was thrilled- she wanted a turn to hide. She ran out the door, we counted, and she happily ran back in. This started several rounds of hide-n-seek. We had such fun. It was challenge to hid with Avi, because she would not stay quiet, and wanted to jump out of hiding.

Friday, August 31, 2012

A bit of Catch up

I have been horrible at journaling!!
The kids are perfectly adorable!
Gage is rolling around so well! He gets into the most amazing spots- I don't know how he does it... he so good with his hands- he grabs plates and bowls from the table- there has been a few messes... at his six month appointment he grabbed the instrument the doctor used to check his ears- the doctor was impressed and said he should be a sports player. Gage loves to hold his hands, and grab onto his feet.
Today for the first time Avi said "Avi Nelson". Avi is using more sentences- at the store the other day she came up to me with some toys and said, "I need this". I love how she speaks in third person- "Avi wants to try." and "Hold Avi"- mostly she said "Avi hold mama" but we are working on that. She loves to color, fishies, horses- she wants to feed the horses- she pulls grass and throws it at them when they come near and when she sees them on walks, she blows kisses at them. She wants to go horse back riding again, like she did last month. She loves to swing, pink, princesses, and Mickey/Minnie Mouse. She likes to eat baby tomatoes from the garden. She is quite the forager- she knows where food is, and she knows how to get it. She loves fruit and cheese- lots and lots of cheese.
Gage is growing to laugh at her more and loves to watch her. The other day she came growling up to him, and he loved it! He was laughing and laughing- he also really laughed when I was pushing Avi  on the swing and I would tap her bum- and say "bum bum bum..." he wouldn't laugh at other words, and yes he is surely a boy- when Gunnar burps- Gage laughs, most unfortunately Gunnar likes to make himself burp at times to make Gage laugh.
Gage is a sweety and is able to be put down to bed and goes to sleep for the night- well most nights it works. I am wondering if he is teething because he has been up more and wanting to nurse more at night. Gage is also becoming a talker.
In Fallon, Avi took the Kindle and climbed up into the glider- opened it up and said, "Read books". She got a tricycle for her birthday. It was a home assembly- we had trouble with one wheel, but Gunnar got it together, unfortunately it did not last. Her first time out the wheel came off and she cut her chin and her bit her tongue. Her cut in her chin was severe enough we needed to go the E.R. At the E.R. they said she could get stitches or have it glued. We thought we could get away with gluing, sadly that lasted about a day.. she hit her chin against Gunnar's knee the next day and we went back in, but they informed us that after 24 hours they couldn't do more than tape it, which lasted, maybe an hour...

Daddy Came Home

Avi in dad's hat, and well, her new habit of nose picking
At Hoggle Zoo

At Grandma and Grandpa's house


Avi sometimes grabs the yogurt when we are shopping- it's a mess!!

Some Summer Pictures

This is Avi's balloon that she bought with her birthday money from great grandpa. She loved it!
Avi at Sea World
August 3??, 2012

At the Beach

Avi's yogurt face

Playing in the Back Yard in Fallon
Avi got a tricycle for her second birthday