Sunday, November 4, 2012

stake conference

We had the evening session for Stake conference tonight. We didn't think about a babysitter, doubt we could have gotten one anyway. So Gunnar and I with the kids spent the session in the Relief Society room listening, as much as we could over the squeals of the kids. It was a wonderful conference. We heard talks about how much the Lord loves us and the power of the atonement, that we don't need to loose hope for ourselves and we can have joy. Also there was a talk on speaking kindly. Boy, oh boy do I need that one when I am in a bad mood. I also need to work at only speaking kindly of my sweetheart.
Avi is getting better at running. It is so fun to see her run- she has such an interesting way of lifting up her feet. She says "I did it!" to announce her success in accomplishing a task- putting on clothes or putting a puzzle piece in. She loves puzzles. She is learning to do them. She has gotten pretty good at the ABC and 123 puzzles, now we have started on a regular picture puzzle. I taught her backward somersaults, but she hasn't gotten into them, and can't do them herself yet.
Gage is pushing up on his knees when he scoots, he just needs to get his arms underneath him. Today he was loving the apple slices we gave him. He shared one with Gunnar- what a sweet boy.
I have almost finished fixing up the couches we bought. I made a cushion cover for one spot, sewn in bottom for beneath the cushion, sewed over the holes on the sides of the middle sectional, hammered together and got Grandpa to help reinforce part of the frame, now I am waiting for Gunnar to strengthen the springs so I can staple it all back together again. Today I worked on the letters for Avi's name that will go in her room. I am rather excited to see how the turn out. I really like what has been done so far.
Yesterday I went out to help on the roof again, and ended up in the not so fun job of picking up the mess from taking the old roof down- I liked putting flashing on, paper, and shingling better- even if I hammered my thumb repeatedly... But Gunnar came out with kids and help. Gage snacked on animal crackers and grass, and Gunnar kept Avi busy with finding and holding worms that were under the old shingles.
Today Avi had brownie- I think this was her first time... she liked them a lot- oh man, she also kept asking for candy... we have a sugar-holic on our hands. Thankfully I could distract her with a pomegranate. Anyway she wanted more brownie, and she asked for more muffin- because the grandparents buy chocolate muffins that she has a way of getting.... so that is what she knows of being chocolate like that...
I read today was national pupusas day- so we had them for dinner- yum! I put more cheese in this time. What a fun meal.

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