Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Today I made granola, white chili, and whole wheat bread. I love the golden wheat! I used about 6 c golden wheat flour and 4 c. red wheat flour. It turned out so light and delicious.
Avi was soo cute. Last night we received the Fisher Price nativity from Grandma and Grandpa Nelson. This morning Avi was wondering where her new toys were. She had some animals, Mary and baby Jesus. She was saying "Hi ____. How are you?" Around to each character. Then she had the camel eat everyone...
Gage was very proud of himself. He scooted down a step on the tile area and went over and started pushing open the door to the mud room.
We went to Grandma Dorsey's for Thanksgiving. Avi was grandma's buddy. She loved having grandma read to her, and would be asking "Where Gran-ma Dorsey?" anytime they were separated. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious! But the best part, was Gage. He started dancing in his highchair. He would shake his little shoulders and head. It was soooo cute!! He would even do it when requested to! I love it!
He now will even wave when asked to, though it takes a minutes usually. A few weeks ago Nov. 9th, when he just turned nine months he started clapping by himself. He gets the biggest smile! I love it.
While down in Utah we visited good friends Ci'i and Nicole. It was nice to see them. Avi took awhile to warm up to Manu, their daughter just a few months older than her, but once they got going they were so funny. We went to Temple Square to see the lights and they were the hopping-est, bouncy-est two year olds there. We stopped into the conference center, at one point Avi slipped up into the information desk, folded her arms up on the desk, leaning her head on her arm looked up at the man at the desk and said,"I'm next to a prophet." It was so sweet!
Gage says "mama" and "bye bye". He loves it when I talk to him in his "own language". Nov 12th. he was taking a nap on the bed, when I went to get him when he woke up he was looking up at the camera, he started scooting his way over to the cord so he could pull down the camera, he is so smart!!
He loves apples- happily sucking on slices, breaking them up with his gums- and even offering to share them.
One day I saw I dead box elder bug on the couch, I swiped it off noting I need to vacuum. Later I had both kids in the family room playing and realized I had not vacuumed... we continued to play. I needed to take care of Avi, and had to step out of the room. When I got back, I picked up Gage- he had a sly smile- opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue- to my horror revealing that dead box elder bug!!!! in a flash closes his mouth and swallows!!! to late for me to do anything!! So oh well, I let him wash it down with some breast milk..
Avi is a pro tomato picker. We go out to the green house and she'll say "squishy one" and "that's better"- for the ones she can eat. She likes the "baby" ones best.
She was eating orange slices and got to the white part and spit/or threw it out on the floor. After some white stuff and peel and on the floor I convinced her to put it on the table. After she was done I told her she needed to pick up the stuff off the floor. It was a big job for her to pick it up off the floor and put it on the table, so I offered to put in on the table if she would pick off the floor. She picked up pieces, handed them to me saying, "Happy Birthday!". I loved it!!
She know more songs, and more words to songs- one of her favorites is "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" and "I love to See the Temple", and of course "ABC". She knows Gage Gunnar Nelson, and is now responding her name is Avi Nelson- sometimes Avi Gunnar Nelson...easier than Elizabeth. She was drawing on a note card and she said "dolpin" (dolphin)- it really looked like a whale! (dolphin is her word for whale) I was very impressed.

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